Pictured L-R: Elyse McCann and Amy Grenfell
Welcoming new staff and saying goodbye to others.

Customer Service Team
Gurit have recently welcomed Amy Grenfell to their customer service team to work alongside Elyse McCann in their Auckland office and Warwick Smith who is based at our Queensland branch. Together, the team manage customer enquiries and order processing for their Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia clients.
nzcustomerservice@gurit.com  or aucsutomerservice@gurit.com

Gurit Australia Sales Team
Gerard Laffan, Gurit’s long-standing Australian sales manager, will be retiring from Gurit later this year. During his time with the company, Gerard , together with the commitment of all their clients, has been instrumental in the significant growth of the Gurit Australian business to the success story it is today – thank you, Gerard! The Gurit team wishes Gerard all the very best for his next chapter and thank him for the many years of dedication and commitment to Gurit. In August, we were fortunate enough to bring Daniel Chatley into our Gurit Australia sales team. Daniel has been working closely alongside Gerard since then, and will be the main point of contact for customers in Victoria, Tasmania and West Australia when Gerard leaves.