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NZ Marine reports there will be a strong showing of New Zealand marine brands at METS this year.

NZ Marine reports there will be a strong showing of New Zealand marine brands at METS this year, including some first-time exhibitors. While there is still time and limited space for Kiwi companies to register for METSTRADE, the world’s largest trade exhibition of marine equipment, materials and systems, to date, around 30 NZ companies will be in attendance. This is a 33% increase on 2022 and indicates a confidence in the marine industry not seen for a few years. Stacey Cook, Events Manager and Export Manager for NZ Marine Industry says there is a lot more interest in METS from Kiwi companies, and it is the only overseas show that has grown in interest from NZ Marine members year on year.

Amongst the new exhibitors will be Maxtek Marine, showing international buyers their latest hydraulic steering systems for outboard and inboard installations. Balex Marine is another first-time exhibitor with their award-winning automatic boat trailer recovery system, as is amphibious boat technology systems manufacturer Anura. Another amphibious boat system brand, Tectrax, is back after a couple of years.

“We have companies such as Zerojet, ENL/WAASP, Tru Design, and Propspeed back again after a very successful show last year, and by allowing NZ Marine members to utilise the ‘meet and greet’ area of the New Zealand stand, without the cost of taking exhibitor space has proven very popular. It is the most significant space we have ever had. This has allowed our members to attend the show and both market their products or secure new franchises to distribute in New Zealand”, says Cook.

According to Cook, METS is the best marine equipment show in the world, especially for Kiwi brands wanting to break into the global market. “The amount of business we hear gets done at the show is amazing, and I can’t see 2023 being any different. The fact that Kiwi companies can meet their suppliers face to face is also an important aspect of the show,” added Cook.

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