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Lusty and Blundell, has established a new Specialist Lithium Team to meet the fast-growing demand for lithium batteries.

Unlike other batteries, lithium has many advantages over traditional lead-based batteries, including weighing far less and boasting a much longer cycle life. It is also one of the most cost-effective types of battery per cycle.

“Lithium batteries are now considered the ‘gold standard’ for many applications and it is easy to see why,” says L&B managing director, Mark Milburn. “There comes a time where the novelty of replacing batteries on a boat or motorhome wears off and many ask: ‘Is there a better way?’ The short answer is: ‘Yes, lithium” and, because it can last up to 10 times longer, it can really be considered a battery for life.”

Because the entire capacity of a lithium battery can be used if needed, lithium offers owners the option to either downsize their bank size or have extended runtime, compared to a traditional lead-based battery.

With constant voltage throughout its capacity, lithium is a perfect choice for inverters, pumps, electronics and other electrical loads. Lithium batteries can also be operated in a partial state of charge and fast charged when needed, making them one of the most efficient batteries on the market.

 “With the correct Battery Management System BMS doing all the hard work, the next thing is to ensure all the other systems are in place so owners get the full benefit of their lithium batteries” says Milburn.

“With so many different types of chargers and batteries on the market, our Specialist Lithium Team can offer expert advice about choosing and then integrating these together to produce best possible solutions for our customers.


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