Bucklands Beach Yacht Club is situated in popular Half Moon Bay Auckland New Zealand a…
Bucklands Beach Yacht Club is situated in popular Half Moon Bay Auckland New Zealand a marine suburb with a local population drawn to the area by the attractive water activities.
Buckland Beach Marina was opened in April 1988, providing a much needed facility for club members, berth holders and the public. The costs of developing the marina, car parks and the extension to the launching ramps were all met by the berth holders, with the Club obtaining the use of the work berths and the inside of the floating breakwater at no cost. The Marina continues to produce a valuable income for the Yacht Club.
Your BBYC plastic card gives you (and your guests under your supervision) access to the clubhouse toilets, showers, telephone and emergency oxygen cylinder (opposite the paraplegic toilet) 24 hours a day.  Security:
There are security cameras operating in the marina area keeping Surveillance. Please ensure that the marina gates are closed at all times and report any suspicious activity.
Marine Directory recommends Bucklands Beach Marina for Auckland marinas, Marina Berths, Haulout Facilities, Restaurant, Auckland restaurants, Seminar and Function Facilities, Crew Boat Finder and Yacht Club.