Raymarine Axiom, Axiom+, Axiom Pro, and Axiom XL owners can display information from Mercury Marine’s VesselView directly onto their MFD screens.
Using Mercury’s new SmartCraft Connect gateway via NMEA 2000, Axiom users can access vital performance data and alerts for up to four SmartCraft-compatible Mercury engines and display these on every MFD in their network.

Information able to be displayed using VesselView includes the engine’s status and which gear has been engaged, engine rpm, boat speed, boat trim, trim tab positions, fuel tank levels, battery charge. Operators can also choose between daytime displays (white graphics on a black background) and Night Mode (white graphics on a black background).
VesselView described as Mercury Marine’s premier engine-information-display experience, can be accessed by Axiom owners in several ways: through a new VesselView app on their LightHouse 3 home screen, their chartplotter, sonar and radar apps, through a slide-out sidebar display.