Presenting the “People and Skills Development” Award (From the left) Ed Slack IBI Editor, Boat Builder Awards judge Alice Driscoll with Riviera’s Kyle Davison, Matthew Weetman and David
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Riviera, one of Australia’s premium luxury motor yacht builder, has won a prestigious international award for its innovative Academy of Excellence apprentice training program. Riviera was honoured to be presented with the “People and Skills Development” Award announced at the International Boat Builder Awards for Business Achievement during a spectacular ceremony in Amsterdam.
Announcing the award, the judges said: “By any measure this is an impressive program and an exemplar for boat builders across the world.” The Boat Builder Awards for business achievement is jointly organised by international boating publication IBI and METSTRADE, the world’s largest marine trade exhibition.
The judges concluded: “Riviera’s dedication to training the next generation of boat builders is obvious. One-sixth of the company’s 900 workers are apprentices who are now supported by a first-class onsite Academy of Excellence teaching multiple trades and supporting personal development.”

Ed Slack, IBI editor in chief and chair of the Boat Builder Awards judges, commented: “We launched this initiative with METSTRADE in 2015, sharing the belief that individuals and companies within the global yacht construction sector deserved greater recognition for their advances and achievements.
“Over the last 10 years the awards have charted the industry’s increasing sophistication,” he said.
“This year’s awards have shone a spotlight on how the industry is finding brilliantly innovative ways to improve sustainability, meet changing customer demographics and expand its talent pool.”
Riviera’s state-of-the-art training centre, the Academy of Excellence, opened in January this year is today a vital part of Riviera’s 16.8-hectare Gold Coast facility. The Academy is responsible or training the 150 apprentices on site across 10 individual trades, including composite technology, marine craft construction, diesel fitting and cabinetmaking.
This year 52 enthusiastic new apprentices were welcomed to the Academy for what is the biggest training intake in the company’s history.
Reflecting the dynamic group of people who are drawn to a Riviera apprenticeship, 12 females are part of the Riviera class of 2024.
In 2025, the Riviera Academy of Excellence will expand its curriculum to offer two new traineeships – Supply Chain Operations – Certificate III and Business Administration – Certificate III.
Riviera’s Apprentice and Training Manager Keira Badke said: “Our holistic training program offers strong support for our apprentices where we teach their chosen trade skills alongside coaching life skills to help nurture world-class people who will help create our world-class motor yachts.”
Rodney Longhurst, Riviera’s owner and a former carpenter and joinery apprentice himself, is extremely passionate about supporting the growth opportunities of his team.
“I’m exceptionally proud that the Riviera team are transferring their knowledge and mentoring these talented new apprentices and giving them such a great opportunity,” he said. “It’s immensely rewarding for me, personally, to see our apprentices develop into such accomplished young adults and great Australians, all with world leading boat building skills.
“Our significant investment in the Academy of Excellence reflects our investment in all our team.”
Over the past 30 years, Riviera has been responsible for training more than 400 tradespeople through its award-winning apprenticeship program, which involves partnerships with 37 schools in southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales.