Self-regulating Watermakers

by admin

Manufactured in Italy, the High Pressure (HP) Watermakers are available in both DC and 230V AC with models ranging from 35lph to 3000lph. 

They are the perfect solution for those wanting a long term, unlimited supply of pure fresh water with virtually no maintenance. Boat owners can customise their watermakers to include HP’s impressive RP Tronic self-regulating pressure system. This is a unique innovation that ensures top-quality, freshwater supply, regardless of temperature or salinity changes in the surrounding waters (which otherwise can seriously affect both the quality of the water and the performance of the watermaker’s membranes).

A handy Part-Net interface is another great add-on which enables users to control and monitor all aspects of their watermaker from their MFD screen(s), using a simple RJ45 internet cable.

Another excellent option is the Automatic Membrane Conservation System (AMCS) ensures the watermaker’s vital membranes are maintained in peak condition. Working with HP’s automatic flushing system and RP Tronic products, AMSC automatically doses the membranes with sodium metabisulphite during each flushing cycle, eliminating any danger of harmful bacterial growth. Even when a vessel has not been used for some time, a single flush will ensure the system is entirely bacteria-free and ready to go, with no tiresome mixing of chemicals.

With no need to restrict water usage, owners and guests can enjoy their showers, flush toilets (eliminating those unpleasant odours), make ice and never have to queue or compete for water at a wharf while away.

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