Tenob Wholesale

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For nearly a decade, Danny and Taniya, the current owners, have created a true marine icon.


Tenob was founded in 1973 by Ted Nobbs (hence the company name ‘Tenob’), to manufacture chain driven trailer boat winches and outboard auxillary rise and fall brackets. These quickly became famous products.  It is estimated that over 60,000 Tenob stainless steel adjustable auxiliary outboard motor brackets have been sold in the past 50 years.

During the 90s, the company was acquired by Stewart Mathiesen, who ran a very successful and respected marine business. In 2014 the company was sold to Danny Bassi, who was the owner of Marine Direct Limited, another long established and highly regarded marine distributor.

“As Marine Direct was strictly OEM and wholesale, joining forces with Tenob, which also had a strong foothold in retail, made perfect sense. The synergy between the two I felt was the perfect acquisition to propel my business forward”, says Danny.

There was also a manufacturing component with the purchase of Tenob. Danny also points out that the purpose was to own the products that Tenob produced rather than being solely a distributor. In 2015 the subsequent acquisition for Danny was Cule Hatches. Kiwi designed and made, Cule Hatches had a solid following, especially in the strong trailer boat market and was another perfect fit in the Tenob lineup.

“However, while it was a great product, we had to take on the manufacturing as well, and trying and absorb that into our Harris Rd facility didn’t work. So on review the decision was made to sell Cule Hatches to continue operations on one site which allowed us to focus on existing and new distribution” says Danny.

With Tenob onboard, everything was moved to the Marine Direct facility in Harris Road, East Tamaki. However, within three years, it was apparent that the business needed a larger premises due to the substantial growth.

In 2017 they moved around the corner to a much larger warehouse and offices in Ti Rakau Drive, where Tenob Wholesale operates today.

Boat shows have always been an important part of the company’s marketing.

For nearly a decade, Danny and Taniya, the current owners, have created a true marine icon that is respected by customers and international suppliers. The company has grown exponentially under their guidance, and they have built a strong team and resilient business with plenty of future potential and growth.


Tenob Marine initially dealt exclusively with trade customers in New Zealand and through RW Marine, who are the Australian distributor for Tenob products. The company has grown substantially over the years, from a range of products best suited to the trailer powerboat market to one with products for boats of any size. When Danny acquired the business, Tenob had around 1000 product items. Today it is 4000 and growing with 2300 of those as actively stocked items.

In the early years, the company’s flagship was the “Rise and Fall” auxiliary outboard motor bracket. While it is still a constant seller, the company has diversified into a vast range of products and international brands. Currently, Tenob is the distributor for over 40 brands. Amongst them is Quick, Perko, Shurflo, Roca, Springfield, Temo, Glendinning, HyDrive, Scepter and Bennett, to name but a few. The Tenob branded products, such as the rise & fall bracket, bungs, winch ropes, boat hooks, bailers and fuel fillers, are still a mainstay of the company and big business with OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers).

Danny stands in his showroom that represents over 40 brands.

To future-proof the business, the company launched a whole new business-to-business website in 2022 which made wholesale ordering online a breeze.

This year we will be launching a new Tenob website. “Our new retail website will allow anyone to have access to product information and allow purchase online”, says Taniya.

“We have a solid and loyal trade customer base, and we will ensure they are not disadvantaged by online ordering by the public”, she added.

Most leading marine retail outlets carry a range of Tenob products, from gaffs to bungs, cleats to fenders. When it comes to boat accessories, Tenob has it all. Danny says he is always looking for new products to add to the range, with a couple of the more recent being TEMO electric outboards and DS18 stereo systems.


Danny points out that his customers are the most crucial part of the business’s success and are treated with the utmost respect. “We try to make sure that we have a high stock inventory, so there is minimal wait for our customers, and if we don’t, and they need it in a hurry, then we will go through hoops to get it from our supplier and into their hands as quickly as possible”, he added.

Major marine retail stores are sure to have a Tenob display.

Tenob has built an enviable reputation for supply, with minimal delay, and that is something that Danny says is paramount to the ongoing success of Tenob. The company covers the entire spectrum from a simple Tenob bung to a sophisticated electronic control system.

Despite Covid 19 having a severe effect on supply to New Zealand, Danny says that through good forward planning, they do not have an issue with the supply of products from his international brands.

“We have an excellent system that keeps our stock levels sufficient to service the market, and we are proactive in making sure we have enough stock of particular lines in constant demand,” he added.

Since taking over ownership of Tenob, the company turnover has quadrupled, and if Danny has his way, that’s only the start. He says he has big future plans that will include some further acquisitions to help grow the business.

Danny says that as they start their 50th year on the back of a hugely busy 2022, he greatly appreciates his loyal staff and customers for their contribution to Tenob’s success. Now, after half a century, the company can confidently claim to be an icon of the Kiwi marine industry.


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