Offshore Gala Postponed

by admin

The proposed Offshore Powerboat Black Tie Gala has been postponed until 2021.

Due to the uncertainty caused by Covid-19, the organisers of the 2020 Offshore Black Tie Gala have decided to postpone it until mid-2021. The proposed date is May 22nd. It was felt that it was not an appropriate time to have a significant function when the country is going through such uncertain times. 

From all indications it looked like the event would have attracted many hundreds of ex and current powerboat racing enthusiasts, so it was deemed inappropriate to have the event with such a large crowd.

Organiser Peter Turner says it’s a shame, as he had sorted out a great venue and was down to finalising pricing when it was decided to pull the plug. He said that the feeling was to steer away from it being an expensive a black-tie event to a less costly and more casual affair. He added that this now means that the 2021 event could be even bigger, with more time to plan and also allows anyone overseas to attend.

If you are keen on being kept informed as to the 2021 event, go to Facebook –

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