As of today the Auckland Boat Show is still on
With Covid rife in both New Zealand and Australia, especially the new Omicron variant, what is happening with the forthcoming boat shows?

AUCKLAND ON WATER (Mar 17-20) – As of today (Monday 31/2022) the Auckland Boat Show is still on.
Peter Busfield, Executive Director of the NZ Marine Industry Associationtold PowerBoat e-news that the organisers have been working with government agencies to gauge what the rule settings are likely to be in March. At this stage the govt is advising that the current red restriction is planned for weeks not months.
“As such the show is going ahead as planned. It is possible that NZ stamps out or delays Omicron spread in the community and we do not want to make a decision until we understand the situation closer to the time. We also wish to wait until the government advises what restrictions may be in place in late March and if the show is permitted to be held”, says Busfield.

Business as usual and the 2022 show is looking like being another huge event, unless Covid kills it. It seems that there will be a number of new models from local manufacturers, plus some very interesting imported designs.
Organiser Dave Gibbs says that while they have locked in the May date they are covering thieir options with the show possibly to run at a late date in the year but from the same venue. This will likelyonly change if we are still in the red light situation, when numbers of people at an event makes it impractical to run the

Organisers report that the show is all on track for 2022 and unless directed by government will be happening in May. SCIBS is unquestionably one of the most stunning boat show venues anywhere and is always worth visiting. SCIBS is ready for a blockbuster of a year when it returns, with a showstoppinglineup of exhibitors across everything from the latest marine gadgets and must-have technology to a massive display of trailer boats and superyachts plus a raft of exciting new launches.
Among the premium brands taking prime position on the water for the 33rd annual SCIBS event are Riviera, Princess Yachts, Palm Beach, Maritimo, Horizon, Alexander Marine, Integrity, Whitehaven, Eyachts, Fleming, Beneteau, Axopar, Lagoon and Iliad.

The Sydney International Boat Show is back in the calendar for 2022 after a two year hiatus.
Confirmation comes with the announcement of a new partnership between the Boating Industry Association (BIA) and Mulpha Events Australia, owner-operator of the successful Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show.
The new partnership will enable the delivery of innovative and engaging world-class events with a significant focus on the boating

After a forced absence during 2020 and 2021 theTauranga Fishing And Boat Show (TFABS 2022) willcelebrate its third year anniversary event at theTrustPower Bay Park indoor main arena in earlyOctober 2022.
It is anticipated TFABS 2022 will be the largest fishing,boating and water related leisure show outside of theAuckland area and being a totally indoor event will notbe subject to adverse weather conditions. Availableexhibitor space will range from 4m x 4m to 20m x 8m (additional space on request). Free visitor and exhibitorshow parking is provided at the venue /