Despite some shitty weather over the past few months, I have still managed to get out on the water a few times for my winter fishing fix

Unfortunately, more often than not, my plans to go fishing over the weekend or take a day off during the week have been dashed by bad weather. It’s not so much the rain, it’s the wind, and there seems to have been plenty of it. Where I live at Manly on the Hibiscus Coast just north of Auckland, we have had a NE constantly blowing for months.
As I write this, I am looking out towards Kawau, and all I can see are white caps and winds gusting to 20 knots. Indeed not a great day to go boating in my 4.8 open McLay Fortress. To be fair mixed in amongst the windy days have been some idyllic windless days when you could barefoot ski to the Great Barrier.
But all has not been lost, and last week, I ventured out with a fishing buddy in his recently acquired Stabicraft 4500. He is an amazing fisherman and, 99% of the time, outfishes me. You know, the sort of mate that allows seems to follow your ‘fish of the day with something bigger. Well, I got one over him this time, which he couldn’t beat.
It was my fish of the decade. At 7.25 kgs (16 lbs), it is the biggest snapper I have caught for many years. I was on the cusp of putting it back, but as it was one of only two snapper we caught, I decided to keep it. When I got home, I went to see ‘Bonfire Bob’, our local smoking guru. After Bob had worked his magic a few days later, my wife conjured up various dishes, such as smoked fish pie and a fabulous curry. Winter fishing does have its rewards, and it was worth the wait.