While the Prowler powercat has been around for many years, the latest offering, the Prowler 10.8 Sports Fisher from Fusion Marine Boatbuilders, is unquestionably the best yet.
The Prowler powercat started in Australia when Jeff Schionning designed a 9m version. It was further developed by NZ designer and builder Eric Knight as a 10.4m model. Formula Cruisers were next to get their hand on the moulds, and they made several significant changes to the overall look of the boat.
About seven years ago, Denis Bettany acquired the moulds, and while to date has only produced two boats, it seems that it is all about to change. He says there is a lot of interest right now, and he is in discussions with three clients, who all want something different.
He could see the potential of the Prowler but knew it needed some tweaking, especially in the styling. The newest version has seen the most dramatic change with the lengthened topsides, which raised the sheerline. This also meant the transom could be moved further aft. The drooping sheerline of the previous Prowler gave the cat a distinctive cut-off and stubby appearance. Not only do the changes make the boat look better, but it has also significantly increased the useable area aft.
“There was a lot of unutilised space around the aft end of the boat, and by extending it, it also allowed us to extend the cabin further forward and bring the whole boat into proportion”, says Denis.
The cockpit is 1.1m longer than the previous Prowler 10.8, the cabin is 600mm longer, and the side decks have been widened for ease of access forward.Â
Like most powercats of this size, the hulls are used for accommodation, which in Prowler #11 has three very large single berths and a separate head/shower. However, how this area is configured is up to each owner.Â
With the extended cockpit, there is the opportunity now to customise the layout in the cockpit better. With no engines taking up any internal space, there are massive storage areas in each hull aft. An excellent option to consider would be a high/low hydraulic platform between the outboards. This would assist access to and from the boat and be ideal as a fishing platform and stowing the tender. The Prowler is rated from twin 80hp through to twin 150hp outboards.