Take an Asis for a Run

by admin

If you are looking for an amphibious boat and want to check one out, then be at Gulf Harbour, Auckland on Saturday, July 25th.

In the latest issue of Pacific PowerBoat magazine, our cover story is on the new ASIS 8.4m amphibious boat, built in the UAE and sold in New Zealand through Gulfland Marine, Whangaparaoa, Auckland. New Zealand boaties have taken to the amphibious boat as they are ideally suited to our style of beach launching.

Craig Lewis says that while he has been getting a lot of enquires from people about the amphibious ASIS, you can only tell people so much over the phone and it’s not until you experience the amphibious way that you can appreciate the benefits.

“We decided we should put on a sea trial day so our clients could see how the boat performed both on land and at sea”, says Craig.

The ASIS Sea trial Day is scheduled for Saturday, July 25th at Gulf Harbour Boat Ramp, Auckland.

You can call top register your interest on 09 4245556 | www.gulflandmarine.co.nz

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