by admin


Your ability to use and enjoy the Hauraki Gulf is at risk. 2.2 million ratepayers could lose their say and councils would be powerless to ensure your ongoing access to the Hauraki Gulf. This co-governance could impact recreational fishing, boating and swimming in some beaches and could be a barrier to businesses who make their livelihood on the Gulf. ( Note Lake Waikaremoana) 

The Hauraki Gulf Forum is a consultative and advocacy body established under the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act to advocate for the protection of the Gulf. It includes Ministerial representatives, and representatives from iwi and Councils that border the Gulf. The majority of its members are elected Councillors.
Some members of the Forum are proposing to ask Government to change its composition to that of 50-50 co-governance with Tangata Whenua and for elected Councillors to be removed. They are also asking the Government to give them full autonomy above statute and bylaw for all matters in respect of the Gulf.
While the Gulf Forum is effective at protecting the Hauraki Gulf, its governance and composition should not be changed. The Auckland Council is also consulting on the Regional Park Draft Management Plan which proposes changing legislation to give authority for Regional Parks, that border the Gulf to the same Co-governance Forum.!!
Unless we act now, decisions around access to parks owned by the Auckland ratepayers could also be at risk.
The same members of the Gulf Forum are also proposing that they be given authority which overrides future decisions by Parliament and Councils â€“ this is undemocratic and means that residents and ratepayers will lose all rights of representation. 
Some people will say a co-governance model is in the best interest of Gulf Users. Today the Ureweras and Lake Waikaremoana are under a co-governance model. This was established with the best intentions and assurances from Government that access would remain the same. Access to this state park and publicly owned lake are currently closed to the public and the Parks a mess! Even Boat owners have been unable to claim their boats from the Lake they are locked in with no access out!!
must now be aware and speak up and send a clear message to the Gulf Forum Members that their proposal is not acceptable to Auckland ratepayers and users whose livelihoods depend upon the Gulf. This proposal must not be adopted!!
We must act now. After the vote it will be too late. Talk to your neighbour raise conversation and awareness of this undemocratic underhand move that is being promoted and foisted upon us.

Public Protest and opposition is necessary.

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